Largest Phylum of Kingdom Invertebrata

Largest Phylum of Kingdom Invertebrata is phylum Arthropoda, they have a segmented body, jointed limb and a hard shell on their body.

Kingdom Invertebrata (Arthropoda):

Largest Phylum of Kingdom Invertebrata
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  1. Those livings creatures which have no back bone or vertebral column in there bodies are called invertebrates.
  2. There are so much Invertebrates living on earth, some have cartilage (soft bone) in there whole body or some parts and some are boneless.
  3. Biologists have made a category in which there are only Invertebrates. It is called Kingdom Invertebrata .
  4. In this kingdom there are over thirty/30 phyla (plural of Phylum).
  5. {*Phylum = It is a level of classification or taxonomic rank below kingdom and above class.
  6. The largest phylum of Kingdom Invertebrata is known as Phylum Arthropoda.
  7. Probably 84% of all known species of animals are members of this phylum.
  8. Animals which have jointed appendages/legs belong to Phylum Arthropoda.

Phylum Arthropoda:

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  1. There are over one million described species of Arthropods living on earth.
  2. Researchers have estimated that the total number of living arthropods may will exceed to 30 million species.
  3. Arthro means jointed and Poda means foot.
  4. Animals belongs to this phylum are bilaterally symmetrical .
  5. {*Bilateral Symmetry =The property of being divisible into two equal (mirror) halves on either side of a unique plane.
  6. These have  jointed appendages/legs, exoskeleton and a segmented body.
  7. Segmented body means their bodies are divided into various parts and these segmented parts are arranged along the anterior-posterior axis.
  8. A large number of arthopods consists of insects.
  9. They have well-differentiated organs and an organ system.
  10. Arthropods have an open circulatory system unlike vertebrates. Vertebrates have close circulatory system.
  11. {*open circulatory system= A system in which the blood is not enclosed in the blood vessels, but is pumped into a cavity called a hemocoel.
  12. Examples of Phylum Arthropoda are – Spiders, Butterflies, Grasshoppers, Wasps and Mosquitoes.
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Characteristics of Arthropods:

  1. Arthropods live in every habitat on Earth and show a great variety of adaptations.
  2. Cilia is absent, Coelom is greatly reduced; nervous system consists of dorsal brain.
  3. Eggs of arthropods are typically rich in yolk.
  4. Arthropods are characterized by their jointed appendages/limbs and Cuticle made of Chitin.
  5. {*Cuticle = A tough but flexible, non-mineral outer coverings of an organism, or parts of an organism, that provides protection to organism or organ.
  6. {*Chitin = An intense, defensive and semitransparent polysaccharide, that frams the main segment/component of arthropod exoskeletons and the cell walls of certain fungi.
  7. A body of an arthropod consists of segments, each part have a pair of limbs/appendages.
  8. Arthropods do the process of Moulting or sloughing.
  9. {*Moulting = The process in which shedding of the old exoskeleton/shell takes place, to let the organism grow.This process is also called ecdysis.
  10. The new exoskeleton is initially soft but hardens after the moulting of the old exoskeleton.
  11. Their heads are made-up of fusion of varying numbers of segments and their brains are formed by fusion of the ganglia of these segments and encircle the esophagus.
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Reproduction in Arthropods:

Largest Phylum of Kingdom Invertebrata
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Largest Phylum of Kingdom Invertebrata
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  1. A few arthropods, such as barnacles. These are hermaphrodites/bisexual.
  2. {*Hermaphrodite = A single individual, having both male and female sex organs .
  3. Arthropods  of most species remain of one sex their entire lives (most of them are not hermaphrodites).
  4. A few species of crustaceans and insects reproduce asexually. Particularly if conditions favor a "population explosion".
  5. When conditions become less favorable then they revert to sexual reproduction .
  6. Most arthropods perform/do sexual reproduction (No matter what condition it is) .
  7. Arthropods that live in water can breed by external fertilization ( for example frogs) and by internal fertilization (e.g Mammals).
  8. All terrestrial (live on land) arthropods use internal fertilization.
  9. To transfer the sperm directly to the female, some arthropods ( e.g Opiliones , millipedes and some crustaceans) use modified appendages such as penises or gonopods.
  10. However, most male terrestrial arthropods produce spermatophores (Waterproof packets of sperm). Females take those pockets into their bodies.
  11. Most arthropods lay eggs and are known as oviparous.
  12. Some of them are ovoviparous, like scorpions are ovoviparous:
  13. {*Ovoviparous = Organisms that produce their babies after the eggs have hatched inside the mother.

Growth and Development:

Largest Phylum of Kingdom Invertebrata
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  1. Before reaching to adulthood, most arthropods go through one or more larval stages. This process is called metamorphosis.
  2. There two types of metamorphosis (e.g Complete and Incomplete metamorphosis).
  3. Complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis are two growth types of insects where the body structure of insects changes during their lifecycle.
  4. Both complete and incomplete metamorphosis extend from the egg stage to the adult/grown-up stage.

< Complete metamorphosis >

  • Complete metamorphosis consists of four stages: Egg , Larva , Pupa and Adult.
  • During complete metamorphosis, insects look different at each stage of growth and development.

< Incomplete metamorphosis >

  • A type of metamorphosis in which an insect hatches from an egg and then goes through several nymphal stages.
  • Incomplete metamorphosis consists of three stages: egg, Nymph, and adult.
  • {*Nymph = Young stage of insects that is similar to the adult except that wings are not fully developed.
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    Sub-Phyla of Arthropoda:

    • The Phylum Arthropoda includes a wide range of species, that are divided into the subphyla of extant forms and some sub-phyla have classes.

    Hexapoda (insects and springtails).

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    •         The largest number of species of arthropods are in this sub-phylum.
    •          It includes the insects as well as three much smaller groups of wingless arthropods (springtails) :
    1. (Class: Protura)
    2. (Class: Collembola)
    3. (Class: Diplura)

    Crustacea (crustaceans).

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    •         There are ten classes :
    1. (Class: Cephalocarida)
    2. (Class: Branchiopoda)
    3. (Class: Ostracoda)
    4. (Class: Copepoda)
    5. (Class: Mystacocarida)
    6. (Class: Remipedia)
    7. (Class: Tantulocarida)
    8. (Class: Branchiura)
    9. (Class: Cirripedia)
    10. (Class: Malacostraca)

    Myriapoda (millipedes and centipedes).

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    •            Subphylum Myriapoda is divided into four classes:
    1. (Class: Chilopoda)
    2. (Class: Symphyla)
    3. (Class: Diplopoda)
    4. (Class: Pauropoda)

    Chelicerata (arachnids).

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    •            There are three existing classes within the phylum:
    1. (Class: Arachnida)
    2. (Class: Xiphosura)
    3. (Class: Pycnogonida)

    Trilobitomorpha (trilobites).

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    •             Subphylum Trilobitomorpha consists of a single Class.
    1. (Class: Trilobita)


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