Planet Jupiter

Planet Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar system, with a mass one-thousandth that of the SunIt can hold more than 1,200 Earths. Jupiter has 67 to 79 Moons.

Planet Jupiter?

Planet Jupiter
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  1. Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System.
  2. It is the fifth planet from the Sun at a distance of 766.3 to 778.6 million km.
  3. It is a gas giant with a mass one-thousandth that of the Sun but  2.5 times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined.
  4. Jupiter is one of the brightest objects visible to the naked eye in the night sky.
  5. It has been known to ancient civilizations since before recorded history.
  6. It is composed of 88–92% hydrogen and 8–12% helium (By percent volume of gas molecules).
  7. Jupiter has the largest ocean of liquified hydrogen in the solar system (an ocean made of hydrogen instead of water).
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General Characteristics Of Jupiter

Planet Jupiter
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  1. Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the solar system.
  2. It can hold more than 1,200 Earths.
  3. It's surface gravity is probably 2.64 .
  4. It came into being some 4.503 billion years ago.
  5. The ancient Babylonians were the first to record their sightings of Jupiter. 
  6. The planet Jupiter has the shortest day of all the eight major planets in the Solar System .One day on Jupiter takes only about 10 hours (9 hour 55 min 29.69 sec) .
  7. It has a small axial tilt of only 3.13 degrees.
  8. Jupiter makes a complete orbit around the Sun in about 11.86 Earth years. (~12 years or 4,333 Earth days).
  9. It has a diameter of 88,846 mi (142,984 km) at its equator.
  10. Its mass is 318 times that of the Earth.
  11. The average density of Jupiter is 1.326 g/cm3.
  12. From Earth, Jupiter can be bright enough for its reflected light to cast visible shadows. 
  13. Jupiter has unique cloud features. Clouds on it are 50 km thick.
  14. Jupiter is one of the five bright planets, that are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
  15. These five planets are typically as bright as the brightest stars.
  16. It is the Fastest spinning planet in our Solar system .
  17. Jupiter has ring like structures.
  18. It's magnetic field Is 14 times stronger than Earth's magnetic field.
  19. Jupiter has 67 to 79  natural satellites/moons
  20. The most massive of the moons are the four Galilean moons ( discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei and Simon Marius).

Colour of Jupiter

Planet Jupiter
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  1. The color of Jupiter changes with storms and wind in the planet's atmosphere.
  2. Jupiter is of orange-yellow color but it reflects mainly blue rays of the spectrum.
  3. The iconic images of Jupiter show that, it has a thick bands of red, brown, yellow, and white color around its surface.
  4. The red color of Jupiter is due to a very high level of iron oxide.
  5. In one case, the remaining colors are from hydrogen, helium and ice crystals.
  6. On other hand, it's colors are created because of the different chemicals, that reflect the Sun light.
  7. Color of Jupiter in the night sky becomes tan


Planet Jupiter
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In case of structure, Jupiter is similar to that of the Sun:
The structure of the Jupiter contains the following layers:

Inner Core:

  • The innermost 3–15% of the total mass of the planet consists of core.
  • Its diameter is 20,000 km.
  • Jupiter does not have a solid core (Scientists are not sure 100 %) .
  • Core of Jupiter consists of a mixture of some rocks and hydrogen metals.
  • Researchers concede that the planet may do not have a core right now because of the high heat.
  • As hot liquid metallic hydrogen mixed with the molten core, carrying it to more elevated/higher levels of the planet's interior. 

Mantle or Fluid Layer:

  • It is a layer next to inner core.
  • Diameter of mantle is approximately 30,000 to 50,000 km.
  • The core is thought to be surrounded by a layer (fluid layer) of liquid metallic hydrogen and helium and the outer layer is to be dominated by molecular hydrogen.

Inner Atmosphere:

  • By mass, it's atmosphere is made of 75% hydrogen, 24% helium and 1% other elements (e.g; Ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide and water).

Upper Atmosphere:

  • Jupiter's atmosphere has no oxygen.
  • There are four layers of upper atmosphere of Jupiter .
  • Unlike the Earth's atmosphere, Jupiter's doesn't have a mesosphere.
  • It has the largest planetary atmosphere in the Solar System, spanning over 3,000 miles ( 5,000 km ) in altitude.
  • It has no solid surface.
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Troposphere --

  • The layer resting on the outer most surface of Jupiter is called troposphere.
  • It is extended to approximately 31 miles (50 kilometers) above the surface.
  • It contains ammonia, ammonium hydrosulfide and water, which form the distinctive red and white bands, and can be seen from Earth.
  • Here the pressure is about 0.1 bar and temperature is equal to 110 K

Stratosphere --

  • The layer next to troposphere is called Stratosphere .
  • It is extended approximately to a height of 10 to 50 km.
  • The lower layers of the stratosphere are colder and as we move upwards, the upper layers become hotter.

Thermosphere --

  • Here in this layer, the temperatures continue to rise, eventually reaching to 1000 K at about 1000 km.
  • At a height of 1000 km the pressure is about 1 n-bar (1 bar= 100000 pascals) . 

Exosphere --

  • The outermost layer of Jupiter's atmosphere is the exosphere, where gas particles can escape into space.
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Religious Status or Mythology

Planet Jupiter
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  • Jupiter also known as Jove, in Ancient Roman religion and mythology, is the god of the sky, thunder and king of the gods.
  • Chinese Taoism personified it as the Fu star.
  • {* Fu is one the three dieties (sanxing), that rules on Jupiter. Fu means Fortune.
  • In Germanic mythology, Jupiter is equated to Thor.
  • {* Thor = He was the god of thunder and considered the strongest of the Norse gods. He was huge in size having red beard and eyes.
  • In Vedic astrology, Hindu astrologers named the planet after Brihaspati.
  • {* Brihasati = The religious teacher of the gods, Hindu often called it "Guru", which means the "Heavy One".
  • Jupiter was named as Erendiz or Erentüz in Central Asian Turkic myths. It was also considered as diety/ demigod before their conversion to Islam. 


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