Earth Is The Most Beautiful Planet

Earth is the most beautiful planet in our solar system having radius of approximately 6371.0 km. Earth's formation took place approximately some 4.5 billion years ago from now.

The Planet Earth 🌎


Earth Is The Most Beautiful Planet
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  1. Planet is defined as an astronomical body orbiting a star.
  2. Planet is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity.
  3. Earth is also a planet and is the third planet away from the Sun, after Venus and Mercury.
  4. Earth is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. 
  5. Earth is the only astronomical object known to comfort/harbor life. 

>General Characteristics;

  1. The mean radius of earth is approximately 6371.0 km (3958.8 miles). 
  2. Its mass is 5.97237×10^24 kg and it's volume is 1.08321×10^12 cubic kilometers.
  3. Average orbital speed of earth is 29.78 km/sec.
  4. The shape of Earth is nearly spherical (like ostrich egg).
  5. Because of Earth's rotation there is a small flattening at the poles and bulging around the equator.
  6. It is composed mostly of iron (32.1%), oxygen (30.1%), silicon (15.1%) and magnesium (13.9%) in a major amount. 
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>Physical Characteristics;

  1. The total surface area of Earth is about 197 million square miles (510 million square km).
  2. The mean height of land above sea level is about 2,615 feet (797 m).
  3. The gravitational acceleration of earth is approximately 9.8 meter per second square (32 ft/sec sq).
  4. {Gravitational Acceleration = The rate of change of velocity of a body with respect to time. It is vector quantity, means it has specific direction. 
  5. Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar system.
  6. Our Earth is the only one known for sure to have liquid water on its surface.
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>Life Phases Of Earth;

  1. Earth's formation took place approximately some 4.5 billion years ago from now. 
  2. According to scientific beliefs the Earth came into being by clumping of dust and gas into hot blobs of molten metal and rocks. 
  3. The name Earth is derived from both English and German words, 'Ertha' and 'Erde', respectively which means the ground. 

>Structure Of Earth;

Earth Is The Most Beautiful Planet
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The structure of Earth consists of following divisions and parts. 


  1. The outer part of the Earth is lithosphere and it is the solid in nature. 
  2. It is defined as the rock and crust surface that covers the Earth. 
  3. All terrestrial planets have lithospheres. 
  4. This division of Earth includes the brittle upper portion of the mantle and the crust. 
  5. The lithosphere is about 100 km thick. 
  6. Temperature of the lithosphere varies from zero degrees Celsius (crustal temperature) to the temperature of 500 degrees Celsius (upper mantle temperature). 
  7. Beneath the lithosphere there is a hotter part of the mantle that is always moving. 


  1. It is the outermost layers of Earth's structure. 
  2. The Earth's crust is a thin shell on the outside of the Earth, covering area less than 1% of Earth's volume. 
  3. The crust is divided by Planetary geologists into three categories, Primary crust / primordial crust, Secondary crust, Tertiary crust. 
  4. This division is based on how and when they formed. 
  5. Earth's crust is made up of several elements: oxygen (46.6%); silicon (27.7 %); aluminum (8.1 %); iron (5 %); calcium (3.6 %); sodium (2.8 %), potassium (2.6 %) and magnesium (2.1 %). 
  6. It is composed of the continents and the ocean floor and it is thickest under high mountains and thinnest beneath the ocean.
  7. The temperature of the crust ranges from 200° Celsius to 400° Celsius. 


  1. This layer is extended from the crust to a depth of about 410 kilometers (255 miles). 
  2. The upper mantle is mostly solid (not completely solid) but its viscosity is greater than the lower mantle. 
  3. The upper mantle is also called asthenosphere, “Astheno” is a Greek word meaning 'weak'. 
  4. Reason behind it's viscosity is because of less pressure at the upper mantle. 
  5. It is also responsible for volcanoes and Earthquakes. 
  6. It's temperature ranges from 200 °C at the upper boundary with the Earth's crust to approximately 4,000 °C. 
Kingdom Animalia (Invertebrata)
Kingdom Animalia (Invertebrata)


  1. The lower mantle is the liquid in nature.
  2. It is the inner layer of the earth.
  3. This layer is extended from the crust to a depth of about 400 to 1,800 miles. 
  4. It has temperatures over 3871.111 Degree Celsius. 
  5. Lower part of Mantle is historically also known as the mesosphere.
  6. This part of Earth covers approximately 56% of Earth's total volume
  7. This layer is extended from 660 km to 2900 km below Earth's surface. 


  1. The layer below the rigid lithosphere is called the Asthenosphere. 
  2. It is the part of the upper mantle that flows and moves the tectonic plates of the Earth's crust. 
  3. It is made up of rock that is fluid and can move. 
  4. It's chemical composition is much similar to the crust.
  5. This layer extends from 100 km to 700 km below Earth's surface. 


  1. This is the third layer of the Earth. 
  2. The outer core is physically liquid. 
  3. This layer is mainly made up of the liquid iron, nickel and as well as small amounts of other substances. 
  4. The outer core is responsible for Earth's magnetic field. 
  5. The outer core is approximately 2,200 km thick. 
  6. It is very hot and it's temperature lies between 4,500° Degree Celsius and 5,500° Degree Celsius. 


  1. The inner core is dense ball of . 
  2. The inner core is a hot, dense ball of (mostly) iron. 
  3. It has a diameter of approximately 2,440 kilometers and temperature of  5,200° Degree Celsius .
  4. This layer of  Earth is surprisingly large as much as like Moon. 
  5. The Earth's inner core spins Faster than the surface of the Earth. 
  6. It is also involved in the creation of Magnetic Field.

>Earth's System;

Earth Is The Most Beautiful Planet
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Earth's system is divided into four major subsystems. 
These four subsystems are also termed as Spheres, that are given below.  

>>Lithosphere" (land).

  1. This is already discussed above. 

>>Hydrosphere" (water).

  1. A hydrosphere is the total amount of water on a planet either it is in every form i,e  Liquid, Solid or Gas.

>>Biosphere" (living things).

  1. The biosphere is an area/the zone of the planet Earth where organisms live, extending from the depth of crust to the lower atmosphere.

>>Atmosphere" (air).

  1. Atmosphere is the set of layers of gases that surrounds the planet (material body), that is held in place by the gravitational force of planet or material body. 
  2. Without the atmosphere existence of life on Earth is impossible .
  3. This is mainly composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon and 0.1% other gases.
International Space Station
International Space Station

The atmosphere is further divided into following layers. 

>>> Troposphere

  1. Clouds generally form within the troposphere. 
  2. This part of the atmosphere is the nearest to the Earth's surface and is the part we live in.
  3. It's starting point is at the ground level.
  4. It extends upward to about 10 km above sea level. 
  5. Troposphere contains 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% mixture of argon, water vapors and carbon dioxide.
  6. Troposphere the site of all weathers on Earth. 


  1. Stratosphere is the second layer of the atmosphere just after Troposphere.
  2. This layer contains approximately 19% to 20% of the earth's total atmospheric gases. 
  3. 90% of the ozone layer lies in this layer of atmosphere. 
  4. It is very stable so because of this property many jet aircrafts fly in this layer. 
  5. Weather occurs in the stratosphere. 
  6. Stratosphere is 35 kilometers thick and is accountable for 24% of Earth's total atmosphere. 
  7. It starts at the height of 50 km from the Earth's surface. 


  1. The mesosphere is the coldest layer and is just above the Stratosphere with temperatures below −143 ° C. 
  2. It's temperature is locally decrease to as low as -173° C .
  3. It extends from about 50 to 85 km above the Earth's surface. 
  4. Carbon dioxide present in the mesosphere helps to make this layer cold. 


  1. This layer is very active part of the atmosphere. 
  2. It can grow and shrink. And it's growth depends on the energy that is absorbed from the Sun. 
  3. Ionosphere plays an important role in atmospheric electricity. 
  4. This layer of Earth's atmosphere contains charged bodies known as Ions. 
  5. This layer is extends from 100 km above the Earth's surface and is approximately 300 km thick. 
Republic of Turkey
Republic of Turkey


  1. The thermosphere is the hot layer of atmosphere because it contains the warmest temperatures, that is approximately 1727 º Degree Celsius. 
  2. It starts at the height of 500 km from the Earth's surface. 
  3. It's about 513 kilometers thick.


  1. The air in the layer is very thin and it is very cold. 
  2. Exosphere is made up mostly of helium and hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide is also present but in very less amount. 
  3. It is the uppermost region of Earth's atmosphere. 
  4. It's about 10,000 kilometers thick.

>Division Of Earth;

Earth Is The Most Beautiful Planet
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The largest division of land on our planet Earth is the continent .
Earth contains seven of them.
Names of these continents are given below.


  1. It is the largest and most populous continent of world.
  2. Asia is located in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres. 
  3. It's total area is 44,579,000 square kilometers. 
  4. Currently there are 48 countries in Asia today, according to the United Nations.


  1. This continent is located in the Western Hemisphere but it is mostly in the Southern Hemisphere.
  2. It's total area is 17,840,000 square kilometers. 
  3. Continent South America is connected to North America by the land bridge (Isthmus) of Panama. 
  4. Continent South America includes 14 countries. 
  5. The world's largest river (Amazon River) by volume is in South America. 


  1. North America is the third largest continent. 
  2. North America is above South America and beside Europe located in the northern and western hemispheres. 
  3. Continent North America includes 23 countries. 
  4. It's total area is 24,709,000 square kilometers. 

Earth Is The Most Beautiful Planet
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  1. Africa is the world's second largest as well as second most populous continent. 
  2. It's total area is 30,370,000 square kilometers. 
  3. There are 54 countries in Continent Africa. 
  4. Continent Africa is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean in the west, by the Mediterranean Sea in the north, by the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean in the east and by the Atlantic and Indian oceans in the south. 


  1. Europe is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. 
  2. It's total area is 10,180,000 square kilometers. 
  3. There are 44 countries in Continent Europe. 


  1. Oceania is the region made up of several islands throughout the Central and South Pacific Ocean. 
  2. In this continent there are 3 countries. 
  3. 3 countries, plus 11 Pacific Island countries make up the 14 countries in the Oceania region. 
  4. According to it's area continent Australia is the smallest continent. 
  5. It's total area is 8,600,000 square kilometers. 


  1. Antarctica is Earth's southernmost continent and geographically it is located in the Antarctic region of the Southern Hemisphere. 
  2. Antarctica has no countries and no portions of the continent that are owned by any country. 
  3. It's total area is 14.2 million square kilometers. 

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