Complete Knowledge About International Space Station

Complete knowledge about International Space Station is the main theme of post. IIS is largest spacecraft circling around the Earth. It is a multinational mutual project. ISS consists of five major components. It is equal to American football field in length. 

International Space Station (ISS)

International Space Station
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  1. The International Space Station ( ISS ) is a largest (man-made satellite) spacecraft in space.
  2. It is an habitable/modular artificial satellite in orbit around the Earth.
  3. Crew members of ISS conduct various experiments in biology, physics, astronomy and other fields.
  4. ISS is basically a multinational mutual project between five  space agencies.
  5. NASA (United States), Roscosmos (Russia), JAXA (Japan), ESA (Europe) and CSA (Canada) are space agencies.
  6. The ISS is appropriate for testing the spacecraft systems and equipment needed for possible future long-term missions to the Moon and Mars.
  7. Total cost spent on international space station was approximately 150 billion USD
  8. The space station is 357 feet in length. It is approximately equal to American football field (360 feet) in length.
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General facts about ISS;

  1. The mass of International Space Station is 419,725 kg (925,335 lb).
  2. Its length is 73.0 m (239.4 ft) and width is 109.0 m (357.5 ft).
  3. Pressurized volume of ISS is 915.6 cubic meters (32,333 cubic ft) and its Atmospheric pressure is 101.3 kPa (1.0 atm).
  4. There are eight photovoltaic solar arrays on ISS.
  5. {*Photovoltaic or (PV) = It is the conversion of light into electricity using semiconducting materials.
  6. The four sets of solar arrays of ISS can generate 84,000 to 120,000 watts of electricity.
  7. {*Solar arrays = These are that convert solar energy into electrical, on the space station. These are made of thousands of solar cells of silicon.
  8. Each solar array is 112 feet long and 39 feet wide. The entire solar array is 240 feet in length that is longer than that of a Boeing 777 200/300 model, which is 212 feet.
  9. Trusses of ISS are 108.4 meters (356 ft) long.
  10. {*Truss = A truss is a module that supports something, like a roof or a bridge.
  11. The average orbital speed of International Space Station is 7.66 km/s (27,724 km/h or 17,227 mph).
  12. It completes one orbit around earth in approximately 92 minutes.
  13. The gravitational field on the ISS is approximately 89-90% of that on the Earth's surface.
  14. It completes 15.54 orbits around the earth, per day.
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Structure of ISS;

International Space Station consists of the following components.
International Space Station
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  1. 16 pressurized modules.
  2. 09 US modules (Zarya, BEAM, Leonardo, Harmony, Quest, Tranquility, Unity, Cupola, and Destiny).
  3. 04 Russian modules (Pirs, Zvezda, Poisk and Rassvet).
  4. 02 Japanese modules (JEM-PM and JEM-ELM-PS).
  5. 01 European module (Columbus).
  6. {*Module = Each set of standardized parts or independent units that can be used to construct a more complex structure.

Launching of Spacecrafts;

International Space Station
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  1. Sputnik-1, was the first unmanned spacecraft launched on October 4, 1957.
  2. It was launched by the Soviet Union's.
  3. Sputnik-weighed 83.6 kg (184 lbs).
  4. On 12th of April in year 1961, Vostok 1  was launched.
  5. It was first manned spacecraft, with Soviet cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin.
  6. Yuri A. Gagarin was first man in space.
  7. {The Vostok spacecraft was designed to eject the human at about 7 km and allow him to return to earth by parachute.
  8. Spacecraft Zarya ( meaning sunrise in English ) was a U.S owned component of the station.
  9. Zarya was built by the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center in Moscow and it was launched from Kazakhstan in November 1998.
  10. The assembly of the ISS began with the launche of the Russian control module, Zarya in November 1998.
  11. ISS was launched on 20th of November 1998 about two weeks after launching of Zarya.
  12. Zarya is also known as the FGB (Functionalui Germaticheskii Block/ Russian or Functional Cargo Block/ English).
  13. FGB was the first module of the International Space Station to have been launched.
  14. The FGB provided electrical power, guidance, propulsion and storage to the ISS during the initial stage of assembly.
  15. The ISS has traveled more than 4.25 billion km (2.64 billion miles).
  16. This distance is approximately equal to 10 roundtrips of Mars missions and nearly equivalent to the distance to Neptune.

Advantages of ISS;

Few great advantages of ISS are given below.

International Space Station
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  1. The space station provides the only place to study long-term physical effects in the absence of gravity.
  2. The activation of Salmonella bacteria by its genetic pathway was found by researchers in space station.
  3. This discovery of activation of bacteria has led to new studies for the development of a microbial vaccine.
  4. It has provided many advantages in medical world by making inoperable tumors operable with a robotic arms.
  5. The researchers found that high-intensity dietary, resistive exercise, supplementation for vitamin D and specific caloric intake can eliminate the mass loss of bones in space.
  6. This discovery was for preventing bone loss through diet and exercise.
  7. Breast cancer detection and its treatment (technology) is one of the big advantages of ISS.
  8. ISS can monitor the natural disasters on the Earth from space.
  9. Researchers proved that ISS is a valuable platform for Earth observation during times of disaster.
  10. There are too much advantages of International Space Station in various fields of science. These were few of them.
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Top Five Space Agencies;

International Space Station is a multinational mutual project between five  space agencies, given below.

:NASA (United States):

  • NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
  • Headquarters of NASA are located in Washington D.C.
  • NASA was formed on 1st October in year 1958 in United States of America.

:Roscosmos (Russia):

  • Roscosmos is commonly known as Federal Space Agency.
  • It is a state corporation of the Russian Federation.
  • Roscosmos is responsible for space flights, cosmonautics programs and aerospace research.
  • It was formed in 25th of February in year 1992.
  • Its headquarters are located in 42 Shchepkina Street, Moscow, Russia.
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:JAXA (Japan):

  • Jaxa is the abrivation of, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.
  • It is the Japanese national aerospace and space agency.
  • Headquarters of JAXA are located in the Chōfu, the city of Tokyo, Japan.
  • JAXA was formed on 1st of October in year 2003.

:ESA (Europe):

  • ESA stands for European Space Agency.
  • It is an intergovernmental organization of 22 member states dedicated to the space exploration.
  • ESA was established on 30th of May in year 1975.
  • Headquarters of European Space Agency (ESA) are located in Paris.

:CSA (Canada):

  • CSA stands for Canadian Standards Association.
  • CSA is the national space agency of Canada.
  • Headquarters of CSA are located in Longueuil, the city of Quebec of Canada.
  • It was formed on 1st March in year of 1989.

Definitions of US modules;

There are 09 US modules in International Space Station.

International Space Station
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  1. >ZARYA : The Zarya spacecraft was a secret Soviet project of the late 1980s aiming to design. It weighs 19,323 kg.
  2. >BEAM : A long, sturdy and hard piece of squared timber or metal spanning a part of a building, usually to support the roof or floor above. Its mass is approximately 1,362 kg.
  3. >HARMONY or Node-2: It is the "utility hub" of the ISS. It connects the laboratory modules of the United States, Europe and Japan. Mass of Node-2 is 14,500 kg.
  4. >Leonardo : It is Multi-Purpose Logistics Module. It was formerly one of two MPLM used for bringing cargo to and from the ISS with the Space Shuttle. It's mass is 4,082 kg.
  5. >QUEST : It is also known as Joint Airlock Module. There are 3 active airlocks on the space station. Its weighs 5896.7 kg.
  6. >TRANQUILITY or Node 3 :  It contains environmental control systems, life support systems, a toilet and exercise equipment. Its mass is 19,000 kg.
  7. >UNITY or Node 1 : It is one of three connecting nodes on the ISS. It was the first piece of the station provided by the United States of America. Its mass is 11,610  kg.
  8. >CUPOLA : It is an Italian word which means 'Dome'. It has seven windows, which are used to conduct experiments, dockings (cut off) and observations of Earth. Its mass is 1880 kg.
  9. >DESTINY or U.S. Lab : It is the primary operating facility for U.S. research payloads aboard the ISS. It weighs 14,515 kg.

Definitions of Russian modules;

There are 04 modules of Russia in International Space Station.

International Space Station
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  1. >PIRS : It is also called DC-1 and Stykovochny Otsek 1. It is located on the Zvezda module of the station. It's mass is 3580 kg.
  2. >ZVEZDA (Salyut DOS-8) : It was the third module launched to the station and it served as the early cornerstone and base for the first human habitation of the station. It weighs approximately 18,051 kg
  3. >POISK : Poisk means "Search". Also known as Mini-Research Module-2 (MRM). It is almost identical to the Pirs Docking Compartment. It provides the capability for extravehicular activity, servicing and refurbishing of the Russian Orlan spacesuits. It's mass is 4,000 kg.
  4. >RASSVET : It means "Dawn" in Russian language. It is also known as MRM-1. It is used for the cargo storage and some payload operations. It weighs 5075 kg.

Definitions of Japanese modules;

There are 02 modules of Japan in International Space Station.

International Space Station
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  1. >JEM-PM : JEM stands for "Japanese Experiment Module" and PM stands for "Pressurised Module". Nickname of JEM is Kibō, means Hope. It is developed by JAXA. JEM is the largest module of ISS. It is attached to the Harmony module.
  2. >JEM-ELM-PS : It was first module of Kibō (consists of several modules) launched. ELM stands for Experiment Logistics Module and PS stands for Pressurized Section.

Definitions of European modules;

There is only 01 module of Europe in ISS.

International Space Station
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  1. >COLUMBUS : It is a science laboratory of ISS. Columbus laboratory was constructed in Turin, city of Italy (By Thales Alenia Space). Columbus is the largest single contribution to the ISS made by the (ESA) European Space Agency.

Definitions of Terms;

Following are the definitions and brief explanations of terms and various words used in this post.

  • VOLUME : The amount of space that a substance or object occupies is called Volume. It's S.I unit is cubic meter ( m3 ).
  • BOEING 777 : It is the world's largest twinjet. Manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
  • NATURAL DISASTERS : The natural event such as a flood, earthquake or hurricane that causes great damage or loss of life.
  • EXPLORATION : Complete examination and investigation of a subject.
  • AGENCY : A particular organization established for providing a specific service.
  • VACCINE : A substance used to stimulate and energize the production of antibodies and provide immunity to the body against one or several disorders.
  • SALMONELLA BACTERIA : It is Rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria. Bacteria are prokaryotic microorganisms, they have many shapes, different names, advantages and disadvantages. 
  • GRAVITY : The natural phenomenon by which all things (with mass or energy) are brought toward one another. For example; Planets, Stars and etc.
  • NEPTUNE : It is the eighth and farthest-known planet from the Sun. By measurement (Radius=24,622 km) it is the fourth-biggest planet in the Solar System.
  • MARS : It is the fourth planet from the Sun. The second-smallest planet in the Solar System is also Mars. It is also referred to as the "Red Planet".
  • PROPULSION : An agency that move or tends to move something forward is called propulsion. It is the force that pushes a rocket into space.
  • SOVIET UNION : The Soviet Union ( The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was a federal socialist state in Northern Eurasia. The Soviet Union existed from 1922 to 1991. It was founded on 30th of December in year 1922 and was composed of 15 countries.
  • Crew : A group of people who work together at the same place or time.


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