Strange Knowledge About The Kingdom Animalia Invertebrata

Strange Knowledge About The Kingdom Animalia Invertebrata is today's topic. Kingdom Animalia (Invertebrata), includes those organisms that doesn't have backbone. Kingdom Animalia is also called Metazoa. Most invertebrates do not feel pain. 90% of all living animal species belongs to kingdom invertebrata.

Kingdom Animalia (Invertebrata)

Kingdom Animalia (Invertebrata)
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>Introduction ;All definitions of difficult terms/words are defined in the last of this post.

  1. Biologists have made a category in which there are only Invertebrates. It is called Kingdom Invertebrata.
  2. Livings creatures (Animals), without a vertebrate column or back bone are known as invertebrates.
  3. Invertebrates belongs to Kingdom Animalia. Kingdom Animalia is also called Metazoa.
  4. Invertebrata is combination of two words, "In" (not or without) and Latin word "Vertebra" ( spinal column or backbone).
  5. There are so much Invertebrates living on earth, some have cartilage (soft bone) in there whole body or some parts and some are boneless.

International Space Station
International Space Station

>Characteristics ;

  1. Most of invertebrates have exoskeletons for protection.
  2. Invertebrates differs  widely in size, from 50 neno-meter  (0.002 inch) rotifers to the 9–10 m (30–33 feet) colossal squid.
  3. The evidences show that most invertebrates do not feel pain.
  4. Their life spans varies form each other, it ranges from 28 days life of Housefly to 15-25 years life of Goliath Birdeater Spider.
  5. On the basis of their various characteristics, shapes, life spans, diets and habitats, biologists have putted them in different phylums and classes. 
  6. Invertebrates are more then vertebrates by numbers of species, by phylums, subphylums and classes. 
  7. More than 90% of all living animal species belongs to kingdom invertebrata.
  8. Invertebrates are large in number, because their reproducing pace (speed) is so fast .
  9. Many species of Phylum Nematoda can lay up to 200,000 eggs per day.
  10. Sponges and corals produce both eggs and sperm. 
  11. The majority of invertebrates, reproduce by sexual reproduction instead of asexual reproduction.

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Switzerland Of Central Asia

>Phylums ;

  • In this kingdom there are over thirty/30 phyla (plural of Phylum). 
  • Major phyla out of thirty phyla are Eight in number (Given below).

1-Phylum Porifera

  1. Members of this phylum are all aquatic.
  2. Most of them live in marine water except, Spongillidae family (live in freshwater). 
  3. They are sessile, radially symmetrical, body has no organs.
  4. There are approximately 5,000 living species of this phylum.

2-Phylum Coelenterata

  1. This phylum is also called Cnidaria ( pronounced as Nideria).
  2. Members of this phylum are called coelenterates or cnidarians.
  3. This group (phylum) consists of more than 9,000 living species.
  4. Cnidarians are mostly marine animals. This group includes the corals, hydras, jellyfish and many more.

Kingdom Animalia (Invertebrata)
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3-Phylum Platyhelminthes

  1. Platyhelminthes means "flatworms."
  2. There are 13,000 species of this phylum.
  3. Members of the phylum are soft, slender (ribbonlike).
  4. This group includes the planaria, the flukes and tapeworms ( endoparasites).

4-Phylum Nematoda

  1. Members of this phylum are known as Nematodes or Round worms.
  2. Nematodes are thin, elongated and tube like in appearance.
  3. Most if them are microscopic while a few can be seen with the naked eye.
  4. There are more than 15,000 known species of roundworms.
  5. They can lay approximately 200,000 eggs per day.

5-Phylum Mollusca

  1. Members of this phylum are called Molluscs/Mollusks.
  2. They are unsegmented and bilaterally symmetrical animals.
  3. Their body consists of a muscular foot, a variously developed head, and a soft, non-muscular visceral mass.
  4. There are around 85,000 extant species of molluscs living on earth.
  5. Their feet are often closely attached with the head.
Kingdom Animalia (Invertebrata)
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6-Phylum Annelida

  1. Members of this phylum are called Annelides.
  2. Their bodies are segmented (Both internally and externally) and bilaterally symmetrical.
  3. Annelides have well-developed nervous system and digestive systems.
  4. There are over 22,000 species of phylum annelida living on earth.

7-Phylum Arthropoda

  1. Members of this phylum are called arthropods.
  2. The word "Arthro" means "Attached" and "Poda" means "Limbs".
  3. There are over 2 million to 6 million described species of arthropods. 
  4. This is the largest phylum of kingdom invertebrata, having 75% of invertebrates.
  5. Majority of this phylum consists of insects. It's members have jointed limbs, rigid exoskeletons of chitin and segmented bodies. 


8-Phylum Echinodermata

  1. Members of this phylum are called Echinodermates.
  2. They have spiny skin, triploblastic body and their skeleton is made up of calcium carbonate.  
  3. There are 7,000 living species of this phylum and the extinct species were approximately upto 13,000 in number.
  4. Echinodermata is the combination of two Greek words, “Echinos” and “Dermos” meaning “spiny ,skin”.

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Republic of Turkey

>Sub-Phylums and Classes ;

Following are the sub-phylums and classes of phylums of Kingdom Invertebrata:


Sponges are classified within two subphylums and four classes:

  1. Subphylum Symplasma.
  2. Subphylum Cellularia.
    1. Class Calcarea: { Calcareous sponges}.
    2. Class Hexactinellida: { Glass Sponges}.
    3. Class Demospongiae: { Demo Sponges }.
    4. Class Homoscleromorpha: { Encrusting Sponges }.


Phylum Cnidaria/Coelenterata is made up of following four classes:

  1. Class Hydrozoa: {It is the most vast group which includes Hydroids , Fire Corals etc}.
  2. Class Scyphozoa: {It is class of the True Jellyfish}.
  3. Class Cubozoa: {It includes Box Jellies with complex eyes and potent toxins}.
  4. Class Anthozoa: {It includes True Corals , Anemones and Sea Pens }.


This phylum is divided into four classes:

  1. Class Turbellaria : {Free-living marine species are incorporated in this class}.
  2. Class Monogenea : {It includes ectoparasites of fish}.
  3. Class Cestoda : {It includes internal parasites of many vertebrates}.
  4. Class Trematoda : {It incorporates internal parasites of humans and other species}.


This phylum is segregated into following two classes:

  1. Class Adenophorea: { It incorporates non-parasitic free-living nematodes}.
  2. Class Secernentea: { Members of this class are almost all parasites}.


This phylum is divided into seven classes:
Molluscs are segregated on the basis of presence and types of shells:

  1. Class Aplacophora {Solenogastres and Caudofoveata are incorporated in this class. These are marine, worm -shaped animals.
  2. Class Monoplacophora {It includes single, cap-shaped shell and bilaterally symmetrical molluscs}.
  3. Class Polyplacophora {Chitons are incorporated in this class}.
  4. Class Bivalvia {Mussels, Oysters and Clams are best examples}.
  5. Class Gastropoda { It includes Snails and Slugs }.
  6. Class Cephalopoda {Squid, Cuttlefish and Octopus are included in this class}.
  7. Class Scaphopoda { Tusk Shells }.


Annelids are divided into three major classes:

  1. Class Polychaeta { It includes only marine water annelids like Nereis, rag worms, bloodworms, sea mice and many other}.
  2. Class Oligochaeta { Lumbricus and Pheretima as well as earthworms are incorporated in this class} .
  3. Class Hirudinea { Best example of this class is Hirudinaria (fresh water leech), Glossiphonia (fresh water leech) and many more}.

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Nigeria the country


Arthropods are segregated into five subphyla:
Each subphylum has further classes, that are 16 in number:

  • >1-Sub-phylum Trilobitomorpha

This Subphylum has only one class:

  1. Class Trilobites (extinct)

  • >2-Sub-phylum Chelicerata
 { Example of this subphylum is Spider}.

It is divided into three classes:

  1. Class Arachnida
  2. Class Merostomata
  3. Class Pycnogonida 

  • >3-Sub-phylum Crustacea
{ Crabs and Shrimps are example of this subphylum}

This subphylum is segregated in six classes:

  1. Class Branchiopoda
  2. Class Remipedia
  3. Class Cephalocarida
  4. Class Maxillopoda
  5. Class Ostracoda
  6. Class Malacostraca

  • >4-Sub-phylum Hexapoda
{Hexapods are those Insects that have six appendages/feet}.

It is segregated into two classes:

  1. Class Insecta
  2. Class Entognatha

  • >5-Sub-phylum Myriapoda

Myriapoda is further divided into four classes:

  1. Class Centipedes (Chilopoda)
  2. Class Millipedes (Diplopoda)
  3. Class Pauropoda
  4. Class Symphyla


Kingdom Animalia (Invertebrata)
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Echinodermates are divided into five classes:

  1. Class Asteroidea (starfish).
  2. Class Ophiuroidea (brittle star).
  3. Class Echinoidea (sea urchins).
  4. Class Crinoidea (sea lilies).
  5. Class Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers). 

>Definitions of difficult terms ;

Definitions of all terms and various words, used in the post are given below:

  1. KINGDOM ANIMALIA = Large group of multicellular eukaryotic organisms .
  2. ANIMALS = Organisms that consume organic materials , breathe oxygen, are motile / can move, reproduce sexually.
  3. EUKARYOTIC ORGANISMS =  Organisms whose cells have a nuclear envelope / nucleus enclosed within an envelope like structure. Examples are Animals, Plants, Fungi.
  4. PHYLUM = It is a level of classification or taxonomic rank below kingdom and above class.
  5. CARTILAGE = Smooth elastic tissue that covers and protects the ends of long bones at the joints and nerves. It is present in  the ears, nose, bronchial tube, between the vertebral discs.
  6. PARASITES=Micro / small or Macro / large organisms, that live outside and inside other species (hosts) for obtaining nutrients.
  7. ECTO-PARASITES = A type of parasite that lives on the outside of its host. Example; Flea, Leech etc.
  8. SHELL = The hard protective layer or outer case of an organism. Examples are  mollusks/molluscs and crustaceans. 
  9. BILATERALLY SYMMETRICAL = The property of being divisible into two equal halves. 
  10. RADICALLY SYMMETRICAL = The body plan in which an organism can be divided into similar halves by passing a plan at any angle along a central axis.
  11. SLUGS = A tough-skinned terrestrial mollusks that lacks a shell but secretes a layer of mucus for protection. 
  12. DERM = It is derived from Greek word "Dermos" which means Skin. Outer, Middle and Inner layers of skin are called Ectoderm, Mesoderm and Endoderm.
  13. DIPLOBLASTIC ANIMALS = Those animals which are possessing endoderm and ectoderm but lack mesoderm. Examples are Jellyfish, Sea Anemones etc.
  14. TRIPLOBLASTIC ANIMALS = Animals that posses endoderm, ectoderm as well as mesoderm. Examples are Vertebrates, Arthropods, Worms etc
  15. SEXUAL REPRODUCTION =A type of reproduction in which a haploid gamete combines with another to produce an organism composed of cells with diploid chromosomes. Here two parents are involved and off-springs are genetically unique.
  16. A-SEXUAL REPRODUCTION =In this type of reproduction one parent is involve and produces off-springs that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent as well. 
  17. HAPLOID =  Sex cells (egg and sperm cells) of almost every organism contain a single set of chromosomes and are known as haploid. For example sex cells of human contain half number (23) number of chromosomes.
  18. DIPLOID = A cell or organism that has paired chromosomes, one from each parent (Male and Female). For example In human there are 46 chromosomes (23+23). All body cells ( Somatic cells) are diploid except sex cells. 





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